Are there gremlins in your pool?
Have you ever noticed that your swimming pool appears murky? This often indicates algae is making itself at home and trouble is brewing beneath the water’s surface.

What is pool shock?
Pool shock is the maintenance champion for this situation, a formidable protector that will swiftly eliminate these pesky problems and make your pool clear again.
Possible issues are high levels of chloramines in the water, high calcium levels, clogged filters or debris, early stages of algae growth, incorrect pH, or ammonia. If you’re unsure what is exactly going on, it’s time to bring on the shock – because, just like a gremlin, these problems will multiply in water.
Shock your pool and maintain crystal-clear water
Swimming pool shock is liquid or powdered chlorine used to disinfect the water in your pool, thus making it more suitable for swimming and ensuring it is safe and healthy.

The process, which involves adding a significant quantity of sodium hypochlorite to the water, is an essential component of pool maintenance as it reduces the bacterial and algal residue in the water. Shocking, also known as super chlorination, is like giving your pool a terrific turbocharge.
A splash of science for your wellbeing
Your pool will be in for a bit of a shock with a regular maintenance ritual and there are specific protocols and specific techniques you must adhere to before revitalizing your pool.
Safety must come first before pool-shocking. Wear chemical-resistant gloves, protective eyewear, long pants, an old long-sleeved shirt, and closed-toe shoes to protect yourself from splashes. Then, follow these steps:
Pool Perfection, step-by-step:
- A thorough pool water test is the first essential step. Check free (uncontaminated) chlorine levels (between 1 and 3 parts per million, or ppm) with test strips or a kit. They should be lower than total chlorine levels (free chlorine + combined chlorine), suggesting that combined chlorine levels need to be addressed. This indicates your pool needs a shock – in general, the recommended dosage of pool shock is 1 pound per 10,000 gallons of water.
- Look closely at other chemical levels as well, such as the pH and alkaline levels. You want the pH to be between 7.4 and 7.6 and the alkalinity to be between 80 and 120 ppm. Setting the stage for a fully effective shock treatment involves achieving a proper balance in your pool water chemistry.
- Check the calcium hardness level to make sure it matches the pH and alkalinity levels.
- Carefully read your shock product’s instructions. Most shock packages provide charts or step-by-step instructions to calculate the right amount of shock for your pool.
Which pool shock is right for you?
There are four different ways to boost the chlorine level in your pool, and each has its benefits:
Shockingly superior Calcium Hypochlorite
Commonly referred to as “cal hypo”, this liquid gold is a cost-effective choice, delivering a powerful impact and dissolving quickly to eliminate pool contaminants.
When used properly, it successfully kills germs that can cause diarrhea, swimmer’s ear, also respiratory, skin, and wound infections. It is widely recognized in the pool industry and has been a fundamental part of pool maintenance for decades.
Making waves with Sodium Dichlor Shock
Sodium dichlor shock dissolves more slowly than calcium hypochlorite. However, it increases cyanuric acid levels which means that, if your pool already has the right amount of it, this might not be the best choice.
It is however commonly used to raise the pH levels in swimming pools and can also serve as a sanitizer and oxidizer, in addition to its use as a shock treatment.
Lithium Hypochlorite shock for every dive
If your calcium levels are high, this is a great option. It dissolves instantly and spares you the trouble of having to pre-dissolve the substance.
However, it must be used when the sun has gone down. If not, the sun will absorb it as quickly as you add it.
Lithium Hypochlorite shockcan be hazardous to aquatic life as it is known for its strong ability to control algae growth. It is therefore important to handle treated water with caution when disposing of it.
Non-Chlorine shock causing a splash
Unlike the other pool shock options mentioned, which require approximately eight hours before you can return to your pool, this particular shock allows you to dive in after just 15 minutes. It is highly effective in rapidly oxidizing organic contaminants.
Swimming pool products in this class typically include potassium peroxymonosulfate, making them a reliable choice for swimmers. However, it’s important to note that, unlike regular chlorine options, they may not effectively combat algae.
Shock your pool to the highest standard
Timing is key when shocking your pool to ensure an enjoyable swimming experience. Prepare the pool for the upcoming season by giving it a pre-season refresh. However, it is just as important to shock your pool regularly to maintain its cleanliness and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
If you swim often it is recommended to shock your pool every two weeks. Also, add extra shocks for specific situations such as pool parties, during the stormy season when high winds and heavy rains can disrupt the pool’s chemistry, and prolonged sunny spells when the presence of a strong chlorine smell may indicate potential issues.
It is also advisable to shock your pool if you’re concerned that it’s become contaminated with harmful bacteria, as well as before covering it when it is not in use.
Looking for a professional pool cleaning supply store near me?
As a pool owner, it is essential that you understand everything from the timing of your pool shock to the proper chemicals and strategies to use, in order to maintain the clarity and hygiene of your pool.
Nevertheless, if you require expert help or are confronted with issues that are not common, do not be afraid to get in touch with Patriot Cleaning Supply, the reliable pool cleaning supply in Houston, Katy, and local areas.
We have the expertise and experience to resolve any concerns that may arise in relation to your pool, and our helpful advice will guarantee that it will continue to be a source of pleasure and relaxation for you.